Morning Run vs Evening Run What’s The Best Time To Go Out?

Morning Run vs Evening Run What's The Best Time To Go Out

One of the best things you can do to the body is Morning Run. Shedding unwanted weight to reduce heart issues risks & improving learning skills, all can be achieved by running. What benefits you will get from this activity also depends upon the time you are practicing this. You might have felt relaxed & light while running; at times your body might have felt dynamic. And at other times feet might feel heavy; every step you take is hard. All of it depends on which time you are practicing it. There’s a right time in a day when running feels little light & body benefits the most.

You get the best of your runs when the body clocks or the circadian rhythm. It’s a 24-hour pattern of rising & falling of the core body temperature, breathing capacity, hormone levels, reflexes, strength, & energy stores. Your core body temperature peaks at around 5-7 pm, and start dipping with the sleep onset, its lowest around 5 am, with a difference of about 0.9 °C.

The main trick is running when the core temperature peaks. Doing so will boost the blood flow, supply more oxygen & nutrition to your muscles, lubricate your joints in a better way, supply more energy & stamina, reduce the injury risk, boost your nerve impulse speed, and break down your glycogen & glucose in a better way. In this article, we will discuss it in detail. Before we move further make sure you get yourself premium quality running clothes. It helps with motivation and getting the best out of your runs.

Pros Of Morning Run:

Morning runs offer loads of benefits. Along with giving you the opportunity of catching a good sunrise, early morning runs are an effective way of boosting your mood & keeping you happy throughout the day. Cortisol is the stress hormone, it’s at its highest in the morning, which is why a lot of people who already have the symptoms of depression and anxiety feel worse during the early morning. Running helps in counteracting, making you cheerier throughout your day.

Going for runs early in the morning means there will be less chance that there will be distractions. Regardless Of the fact what happens the following day,  you work late or your friends come over for dinner your fitness won’t get affected. The streets and pavements during the morning are comparatively quieter, a lot of morning runners are into the peace & tranquility that is found at that time of the day. And then the testosterone peaks during the morning & drops gradually during the day. For a similar reason, morning runs are an effective way of building muscular strength.

Cons Of Morning Run:

Morning runs aren’t all about sunrises & tweeting birds. Like all the things these runs do have their drawbacks. And all they have to do is how your body functions during that time of the day. Morning runs put you at injury risk as your muscles get stiffer & colder with all the rest you have done during the night. This means you will be required to do a warmup before running in the morning.

For easing yourself into the runs. Also, it’s not the best time to perform high-intensity workouts. Because you won’t be able to fuel your body properly after 8-10 hours of fasting. With inadequate calories in the system, you will not be able to run for long, so the best way is to save your hard efforts for the time when you can get the best.

Pros Of Evening Runs:

Early evening runs are as good as late afternoon. It will make you get the day’s work out of your way & boost your energy levels for enduring a good sprint in your running clothes. The flexibility, muscular strength & short burst of intense energy, peak during the early evening, and your core reaches the maximum body temperature. Elevated body temperature dilates your blood vessels, which ensures a better nutrient supply & oxygen to your muscles. It also boosts the impulse speed from your nerves, which means your body will have an increased alertness level. It improves your glycogen & glucose for releasing more energy.

Evening runs help in building muscles better than morning runs, your testosterone & cortisol levels get high during the morning, however, during the evening, both levels are optimum for the protein synthesis that is required for muscular growth. It means you will be able to build muscles in a better way by running outdoors. If you’re training for distance runs, running after would be a better choice. Because the fuel will be at peak and your lung capacity would be able to sustain for longer during the afternoon.

With raised body temperature & high energy, stores make sure that muscle strength & flexibility reach their peak in the late afternoon. Your epinephrine & norepinephrine levels also peak at noon. It makes the heart pump & prepares the body for a good run. Such hormones lower the pain sensation while boosting your mood.

If you are working during late hours at night or traveling across time zones, there’s a high possibility that your circadian rhythm will be disrupted. The body clock will stop working in correspondence to natural patterns, disrupting the sleep cycle. Running or workouts in the early morning will bring your sleeping schedule to a normal rhythm. Running during the late afternoon helps people, especially shift workers or elderly ones, for regaining the circadian rhythm.

Also if you have high blood pressure conditioning running around 7 would reduce your systolic blood pressure during the night. Cons of the evening do a little to your body. It can be a soaring temperature or your inability to spare an hour during the evening from your busy schedule.

However, if you are taking out the time, make sure you’re well-hydrated & getting an appropriate warm-up before going.

Cons Of Evening Run:

It can be difficult for you to take out time midday and motivate yourself for the evening. It’s as difficult as a morning run but for a different reason. The majority of people hit their mental peak during the morning, which dwindles slowly during the day. We usually feel sluggish and tired at that hour of the day. Both of these factors combined make it easier to give up or skip the run at all. Also, there’s a higher probability that some chores can pop up during the day compared to the morning. Therefore it makes it difficult to make a consistent evening schedule.

Also, different environmental factors are involved during that part of the day. Such as increased temperature, traffic rush, and lack of daylight are also safety factors. Also running during the evening or late afternoon may make you get up early, which might disrupt your sleep if you get too late. Sleep plays a significant role when it comes to recovery, so if your sleep quality is getting worse when you are done with running, you might try to go for the early hours of the day.


Evening runs lower the night blood pressure; & running during the late afternoon helps in improving the form & building muscles. Science claims that the best time for running is late afternoon/early evening. Late afternoon is the best time for distance running and early evening for sprinting. For your athletic practices or longer runs, also evening time is the best time. The best time for your training to get into the best shape is that time of the day. Also running is best in the morning if you are doing it to tackle the symptoms of depression and speed up weight loss.

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